BW Ratio Adj. WW Ratio Adj. YW Ratio ADG Adj. SC Adj. YHT
84 105 809 117 1431 110 3.89 39.10 51.7
Actual Scan Wt Scan Wt Ratio Adj. % IMF % IMF Ratio Adj. RE Adj. RE Ratio Adj. Rib Fat Adj. Rib Fat Ratio Adj. Rump Fat Adj. Rump Fat Ratio
1300 110 4.71 107 16.2 105 .28 80 .45 107

Owned with Satterfield Angus, Norfork, AR

Pedigree is stacked with some of the strongest females to ever walk our pastures. STACKED DECK offers extra volume of rib and excellent structural soundness.

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